TSA Ecology overseas projects
TSA Ecology undertakes a variety of projects and surveys overseas. Here is some of the project work we have undertaken.
ADB EIA Power Network Development Project, Ornithological Consultant
Location: Myanmar
TSA Ecology was commissioned by a consultancy to provide ornithological inputs to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Transmission Component (TC) which includes design, supply, installation, and commissioning of two 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission lines and related substations. Survey, desk study, capacity building and reporting were undertaken within an interdisciplinary international team.
Lower Mekong Basin Development Planning Project, Mammal & Bird Lead Advisor
Location: Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam
TSA Ecology was commissioned by a consultancy as an international biodiversity consultant for Lower Mekong Basin development planning project. This project seeks to provide clear and comparable information on the impacts of proposed thematic developments on the aquatic resources of Lower Mekong River, inclusive of the Tonle Sap Great Lake and the Mekong Delta. Collation of desk study data, capacity building with national counterparts, modelling inputs and prediction of change, presentations to client and government, and reporting were undertaken within an interdisciplinary international team.